Get ready to play

This page gives you a quick overview of the gameplay. At the bottom of this page you will also find the five How to Play videos featured on our YouTube channel.

If you're ready to dive deeper and discover all the unique mechanics that make our game stand out, we recommend clicking here to access the page where you can download the complete rulebook (please note that this could not be the final version of the rulebook, because we are still playtesting the game). 

Plus, at the same link, you can download the four pre-built decks of the Core Set of Rebirth: Carved in Blood in Print and Play format for free.

 We're also working to make the game available on Tabletop Simulator, so stay tuned!


Each player has two decks of cards: the Main Deck, which contains Slayer and Abomination Cards, and the Resource Deck, which is exclusively made up of Resource Cards.
Resource Cards are not randomly drawn, but are obtained after achieving specific in-game goals.


The Battlefield is divided into three areas and players choose where to place their Slayer and Abomination Cards. Abomination Cards are typically neutral entities that oppose both players and are not controlled by either.

The cards on the Battlefield form three different formations, two of which are controlled respectively by the two players, while the third is not under any player's control.


During their turn, players aim to achieve Supremacy in the three areas of the Battlefield by deploying new cards, destroying others, or by empowering their slayers through transmutation.

Slayer Cards are divided into two parts, representing the card's pre- and post-transmutation versions.

Winning Conditions

To gain Supremacy in an area, the formation under a player's control must surpass the total Power value of the other two formations on the Battlefield.

Gaining Supremacy allows players to acquire new resources and inflict heavy damage on enemies.

To win the game, a player must have Supremacy in two or more areas of the Battlefield at the end of their opponent's turn.